
Showing posts from November, 2019

Looking Back

The past is where old nightmares linger and disillusioned dreams merge with the mist.

Zeig Heil

America hypocritically pretends to be free and democratic when in fact it is a Zionist oligarchy.


Understanding depends on the ability to think logically.


Time reflects the past before projecting its future.


Collective guilt clains the sanctuary of stupidity to escape responsibility.


Try to hear a vanishing echo or see through the fog of futility,

The Missing Link

Sacred and profane these hallowed balls unfinished but perfectly formed.

Homo Sapiens

Cloven creatures revived as beasts to satisfy heredity's need for greed

A Culture of Corruption

Mass produced murder in America where hitmen are heroes and gangsters idolised. .

The News

Mass produced monotony in God's own oligarchy on CNN - NBC - and Fox from Donna Frump anb Nancy Necromancy.

Cultural Values

Let's pretend America is a democracy Nancy Pelosi a saint morality matters TV news is real substance abuse doesn't exist and the American dream is not a nightmare.

White Phosphorus

On a manicured lawn where the wellbred live nobody can hear a little girl screaming.


An evil virus tempts hypocrites to preach charity to the needy.


Hesitate or fail to act and nothing changes.

A Legacy of Greed

The American dream contaminated by capitalist corruption a nightmare of homelessness and drug addiction.


White phosphorus burned through the flesh and tissue of a pretty girl's face leaving a mask of horror in its place.

Black Mass

Deceptive blessings from Satan disguised as a priest seeking heretics for a blasphemous faast to drink the blood and eat the flesh of a newborn baby.

Pawns for a Prince

On a visit to Canada the Queen and the dark Prince too ten orphans on a picnic who were never seen ever again.

The Reality of Evil

In fantasyland God is greedy wealth worshipped babies raped daughters debauched and addicts die in the hell of homelessness.

The Lure of Infamy

The appeal of evil attracts Americans who can pretend starving infants to death in Yemen is justifiable and slaughtering civilians in Syria is collateral damage.

Society's Rejects

Dissipated faces barely lucid gratuitously needy panhandling tripping on fentanyl or heroin on indiscrete streets in tents or sleeping rough under bridges.


Its easy to compare the degenerates governing America to the rats infesting and infecting derelicts amidst the garbage on Skid Row in LA and San Francisco.


Fleeting happiness leaves behind memories that never fade.

Beauty and the Beast

Petals that float in the air eventually get trampled bleeding and unheeded.

Substance Abuse

You can't ignore the seamy side of life where minds lose hope become addicted and flee from reality.